Treat Yourself with a Retreat! May 2019
Our annual pilgrimage up the ancient Mount Batukaru, in Bali, is booking quickly this year. My friend, Will James is teaching with me -...
Treat Yourself with Retreat!
A retreat is a treat - a genuine way to dive in the deep, slow down and see into whats keeping you stuck, old unhelpful patterns and...
New Years Retreat Dec 2018 -Jan 2019
The end of the year is an ideal time to stop and reflect and allow clarity to arise form deep stillness. If you are looking to prepare...
How about a retreat in 2017?
Have you ever thought of taking a week to yourself to go on retreat? Bookings are now open for an amazing Balinese adventure of 6 days...
Share Fondness and Admiration
Sharing Fondness and Admiration Sharing fondness and admiration is the antidote to contempt and, more importantly, it increases the...